After a great weekend at The Denver Post’s Underground Music Showcase, although we’re still recovering (and slowly), these bitches are already ready for more. There’s tons of events going on this summer – it’s dangerously close to being one of the best summers that we’ve ever had. One of the upcoming events that we’re looking extremely forward to is the Higher Ground Music Festival. Over 40 of our favorites bands and musicians are playing, back-to-back, in our very own mountains in Central City. If you love indie rock as much as we do, we know that you’re going to want to spend the weekend drinking, jamming, and camping with some of the best people we’ve ever met. Interested in camping out with the bands? You can. Don’t want to camp and would rather stay in a lodge? You can. Want to enjoy delicious music and beverages alike? You will. The event takes place August 24-26th and features bands that will forever change your life and the way you look at our wonderful music scene. While camping and partying, you’ll also get to experience some of the best talent that Colorado’s music industry has to offer. While there are a few bands still working on being added to the lineup, so far here’s what’s going on:
Wheelchair Sports Camp, Input, Rubedo, Izcalli, Musuji, Red Fox Run, Too Late For Tomorrow
SATURDAY AUGUST 25th: The EPILOGUES, The Photo Atlas, The Royal Heist / from North Hollywood, The Swayback, Kill Paradise, Regret Night, Caramel Carmela, Be Brave, Ashtree,
Nautical Mile, T Shirts 4 Tomorrow, Gang Forward, The Whicker and Pine
SUNDAY AUGUST 26th: Fierce Bad Rabbit, James and the Devil, PLACES. Eldren, The Foot, In The Whale, You Me and Apollo, The Yawpers, Caleb Slade, The Say So.

Sounds pretty good, right? Actually, it sounds a hell of a lot better than good – it sounds amazing. Now you’re probably thinking, “But Indie Bitches, what if there’s a concert that I want to see in the city that I might miss by going to Higher Ground Music Festival?” Don’t worry music lovers – there isn’t. They’re all going to be at this event…and I mean all of them. We love Blackhawk as much as music itself and when the two are combined, it’s damn well near being heaven. This isn’t going to be something that anyone should miss. Make sure you get to Higher Ground Music Festival!
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