I’ve been sitting on the edge of my seat since last October, waiting for more Air Dubai. Although the Remixtape was released in March this year, hearing new music in any sense is always something that’s refreshing. Day Escape (released on 10/25/11) is like a cold glass of water on a hot summer day, something that I know is helping this band grow and become even more amazing than they already are. Between the trumpet, guitar, bass, drums, and two voices that make angels in the sky stop and listen, this EP is the best thing to come from this incredibly talented ensemble yet. Obviously there hasn’t been a song or beat to yet disappoint fans but Day Escape is something else in an entirety. This is the kind of EP that all bands expect and hope to make, but usually (honestly) aren’t as successful with…it hits home. After Jon Shockness (Vocals), told me “It’s not a perfect EP but I hope people dig it and at least get what we were trying to do.” I almost wanted to scream “Oh, I more than dig it.” Like white on rice.

Air Dubai's new EP Day Escape(10/25/11)
It’s not recent news that I love and support local music on a daily basis, but this is, hands down, one of the best EP’s that I’ve heard this year. Air Dubai has always been something that was never haphazard, easily one of the most wonderfully put together group of individuals in this music industry in Denver. This band is undoubtedly one of the most heartfelt things that I’ve ever had the luxury of listening to, it’s practically silk in my ears. These gentlemen don’t even need “girls to flirt with” (Lights Down) because everything about them, from swagger to their God given talent just shines brighter than the sun. Air Dubai is the kind of music that you don’t want to and can’t stop listening to from the very second that you get started, I can’t wait to see what they’re going to grow into because we all know it’s gonna be larger than life. They may be careful and never fall in love, but I’m so in love with every note in Air Dubai’s new EP.
Don’t hesitate to preorder their EP, Day Escape, released on 10/25/11.
Also avaliable on iTunes